J3T: 🦉How to cultivate intuition, fooling ourselves & more
1 short idea from me, 1 Idea or quote from someone else. 1 Recommendation: Book
Estimated reading time 💨: 1 minute, 17 seconds. Contains 258 words
🦉1 short idea from me:
The ultimate tool for real mastery is intuition.
The ultimate tool for real mastery is intuition. And like everything, intuition can only be cultivated and created by exposure and time, or better yet; deliberate exposure is the key to developing a sharp intuitive understanding of anything.
Intuition is also built through pattern recognition. However, deliberate practice and intuition can be affected and eventually made ineffective by cognitive biases and social conditioning. Therefore, it's necessary to be inquisitive with your conclusions and look for your biases.
The other side of complexity is the ultimate intuitive understanding, which is the ultimate simplicity. Truffle oil is an example for chefs. Truffle oil is complex; if you use it like salt, you'll defeat its purpose. Understanding its complexity lets you exploit it in a simple, elegant way instead of a grotesque, brutal, dumb way.
Our brain is like an oven, not a microwave. We need to post questions and leave them "cooking" so our subconscious power can go to work.
With all of that being said, there is also a kind of quality or value in life that is metaphysical and language cannot explain. This is the main barrier I've found in language and writing. Concepts are dogma most of the time, and the truth is that the most important things cannot be explained… Intuition is one of them.
💡1 Idea or quote from someone else:
Richard P. Feynman
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."